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Mother's Day

«Mother» is a synonym for nurture, unconditional love, self-sacrifice, continuous and tireless giving without expecting anything in return.  No other role in society has ever been associated with so many virtues, recognized and appreciated by everyone, but at the same time often requiring significant sacrifices and leading to deprivation of equal opportunities.

But let’s put things in an order, letting the statistical facts tell the whole story…

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World Health Day

Every year this day, we are celebrating World Health Day. It is a day to focus on and raise awareness around health issues that affect people all over the globe.

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Exit Poll 2023

Another Research Project. So what’s the big deal?
The exit poll conducted by Pulse MR for Omega Channel was undoubtedly, one of the largest projects we have taken up in the past 5 years. It required extremely elaborate planning, long hours of work, a network of over 80 people working together, 46 tablets for interviewing and- in short- all of our time, energy and focus dedicated to completing this extremely ambitious and demanding project.

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Cyprus Presidential Elections 2023

Τhe recent presidential elections, have demonstrated a disruption in the traditional voting behavior of Cypriots. The voting culture is gradually reshaping. The movement between the choices available to voters is growing, while the level of identification with political parties is fading.

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